Sealand Community Council

Council Finances and Audits

Council budget related documents.


All Sealand Community Council budget documents are available for viewing and download here in PDF format

Precept, Audits and Accounts

Each year the Council determines the level of finances it requires for the forthcoming financial year. The Clerk prepares draft estimates for consideration by the Council, usually at its December meeting. Members of the Council are fully aware of the need to be prudent and the estimates and proposed expenditure are considered very carefully. When the amount of finance required is determined, the County Council is requested to precept that amount on behalf of the Council.

Sealand, like all other Councils is subject to a stringent and externally controlled audit process. This is done in two stages. The first by the Council’s internal auditor, JDH Business Services of Mold. The second stage is undertaken by the Council’s external auditor which for the past few years has been BDO LLP and for 2020/21 onwards is Audit Wales – these have been appointed on behalf of the Auditor General for Wales.  Both audit reports are considered by Council and are made available for inspection and also published on the council’s web site.

Applications for Grants / Donations

Sealand Community Council sets aside a sum of money each year to donate to good causes in the community.

The sum allocated by the Council is part of the annual precept the Community Council collects from the electorate and is available for distribution from 1 April each year.

The Community Council is governed by rules set out in the Local Government Act 1972 (section 137) which states the money must be spent on purposes for the direct benefit of the community and be commensurate with the expenditure incurred, for example, spending a large amount for the benefit of only one or two people is not acceptable.

Contributions may be made to charities and bodies providing a public service on a non-profit making basis, but only in furtherance of their work in the United Kingdom. It is unlawful for a Council to contribute to an individual or a charity or a public service body operating overseas. Contributions to UK charities and bodies providing a public service do not have to bring any direct benefit to the council’s area or to its inhabitants.

For further information please refer to the Council’s Grants Policy